Translation Resumes

All right, the holiday is over.

Since I met up with zakii, we’ve managed slip in some translation during the holiday, between visiting families, families, and more families. We’ve also fixed up all the TLC. Benkyou Chapter 1.7 is fully TLC-ed now. Not much changes though, just a bit in the far end of the chapter ^^

Well, then. About the next chapters of Benkyou.

Weeks passed without any takeover request coming in my way (Benkyou is such an unpopular novel…). So although July 15th is not yet arrived, I assumed that no one wanted to and have been preparing for a come back.

Benkyou Chapter 2.1 will be posted by July 15th.
Benkyou Chapter 2.2 will be posted by July 20th.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it will be difficult to maintain two chapters a week, particularly if we’re going to be very loose with the schedule. Thus, it will be once a week.

Beside of it, now I’m also considering to take up translation of old Indonesian novels. Bahasa Indonesia is my native language and English is my second language, so without excluding the possibility of error, I don’t actually need TLC or editor. I also saw some Philippine novels in NU directory, so this alternative is very tempting for me.

I haven’t made any commitment in this one as I’m still considering several novels and how to break them up. But if it comes true, I promise it won’t change the schedule for Benkyou.